Tuesday, March 31, 2015


English - 1&3: context clues work due tomorrow 
4: finish reading "Cat on the Go" for Thursday
Science & social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 502 7-23odd
Math 4: p 322 6-11 all, 15&16

Monday, March 30, 2015


English - context clues sheet
1&2: due Wed
4: due Tues
Science - Reinforcement sheet 
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 505 1-3
Math 4: no hw

No school Friday or Monday 

Friday, March 27, 2015


English - "Two Kinds" worksheet
Science - Ch 4 vocab due Monday
Social - no hw
All math: tests today 

No school Friday 4/3 and Monday 4/6

Thursday, March 26, 2015


English - finish reading "Two Kinds" if you haven't finished in class
Science - Ch 4 vocab due Monday
Social - p 521 1-5all
Math 1: study for test
Math 3: worksheet
Math 4: p 338 1-33odd

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


English - no hw
Science - test tomorrow 
Social - no hw
Math 1: review sheet
Math 3: no class 
Math 4: p 318 7-25odd

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


English - finish vocabulary sheet
Science - Ch Review test tomorrow
Social - p 517 1-5
Math 1&3: p 374 6-14all
Math 4: p 309 7-27odd

Monday, March 23, 2015


English - no hw
Science - Ch 3 Review p 82-83 1-26
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 365 7-19odd, p 369 9-15all
Math 4: p 303 7-47odd 

Friday, March 20, 2015


English - "All Summer in a Day" questions  due Monday
Science - Word Bank 
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: page 356 25-35odd
Page 360 1-4 all 
Math 4: no hw 

End of quarter today 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


English - Homophone sheet due Friday
Finish Rattlesnake Hunt questions 
Science - no hw
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 346 7-15odd & 22
p 351 p 7-15odd
Math 4: study for quiz

Be sure to complete any missing assignments for Quarter 3

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


English - Rikki- tikki work due Thursday
Homophone sheet due Friday
Science - vocab crossword 
Social - debate tomorrow
Math 1&3: no hw
Math 4: worksheet 

End of quarter Friday 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


English - "Rikki-tikki" questions due Thursday
Science - complete missing work for quarter
Social - debate tomorrow
Math 1&3: test tomorrow
Math 4: p 298 13-17all, 24-28all

End of quarter Friday

Monday, March 16, 2015


English - read through bottom of p 413 "Rikki-tikki-Ravi"
Science - Reinforcement cell worksheet 
Social - write speech for debate 
Math 1&3: review sheet
Math 4: p 297 4-12all

Friday, March 13, 2015


English - no homework
Science - no hw
Social - no hw
Math - no hw 

Thursday, March 12, 2015


English - extra credit cinquain due / Lit terms quiz tomorrow
Science - draw animal or plant cell and color
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 332 1-11odd
Math 4: p 262 4-27odd

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


English - cinquain extra credit due Friday
Science - name that part lab drawing 
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 328 5-19odd
Math 4: p 286 5-19odd

End of quarter Friday 3/20

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


English - extra credit cinquain
Science - Ch 3 vocab, plant and animal sheet
Social - p 485 1-6
Math 1: p 322 7-23odd
Math 3&4: no hw 

Friday, March 6, 2015


Book report book needs to be read by Tuesday. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015


English - Suzy and Leah finish story and questions
Science - Ch 16 test tomorrow
Social - brochure 
Math 1: Ch Review p 388 1-31
Math 3: no hw
Math 4: no hw 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


English - finish book report book for Tuesday, March 10
Science - Ch 16 Review due Thursday
Social - no hw
Math 1: no class
Math 3: Ch Review p 388 1-31
Math 4: no hw

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


English - Papa's Parrot work due tomorrow
Finish map/outline 
Science - Ch review due Thursday
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 318 636even
Math 4: review sheet 

Monday, March 2, 2015


English - Papa's Parrot story worksheet 
Science - frog packet
Social - no hw
Math 1&3: p 313 5-27odd
Math 4: p 275 5-33odd